Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Welcome to World Civilizations!

Hello wonderful students.

It is so good to have you in my class.  We are going to learn a lot this semester so please be ready to work hard and do your best at all times.

The purpose of this blog for our Fall 2012 semester together is to help you (and your parents) stay up-to-date on what we are doing in class.

You will want to look at this blog regularly because I will post:

  • Links to project instructions and assignments given in class
  • Daily posts about what we did that day in class (and reminders of your homework!)
  • PowerPoints used in class
  • Test Review Help 
  • And lots of other fun/important things!
I hope (and kindly insist) that you come back and visit this blog often!

**Your first assignment in our class will be to leave a comment on this post.  Your comment needs to answer the following questions and state your name/period. 

"What is the most desirable trait another person can possess?  Pick one trait and explain why you chose that trait.  Your response needs to be at least two sentences long." 

*If you are having any troubles leaving your comment, please e-mail me ( with your comment.


  1. Mrs. McKell's Example:

    I think that being a hard worker is the most important trait or characteristic someone could possess. The happiest and most successful people I know are happy and successful because they work incredibly hard at everything they do.

    -Mrs. McKell, 5th Period

  2. I think that the most desirable trait another person can possess is honesty. An honest person can be trusted and depended upon in any situation.
    -Sarah Crowther, 5th period

  3. I think that being a respectful person is the most important trait. If you respect your peers they will recognize that and they will trust someone more if they are respectful.

    Zackary Colton, 5th Period

  4. I think that the most important trait is being nice. when you are nice to people they will like you more

    nick kendall 5th period

  5. kindness. people will want to be around you more and you will be happier.

    Jared Faux
    Period 5

  6. I think that the most important trait is having a good attitude. Because when you have a good attitude about life people will respoect and like you more.

    Courtney Bird
    Period 5

  7. I think that the most important trait is being friendly to everyone. Because some people may be shy and they always need a person to talk to or ask something in class.

    Yeraldine Calderon
    period 5

  8. showing respect to one another is a great trait to have, because when you have respect for yourself and from your peers you have a better class experience.

    Diana May
    Period 5

  9. I think that the most important trait is selflessness. All actions can be divided up into three categories: neutral actions (such as breathing or walking), selfish actions and selfless actions. If everyone could honestly say that most of their non-neutral actions were in the selfless category, then the world would be an infinitely better place.

    David Maxwell
    Period 5

  10. The most important trait someone could have is to be honest. If people are honest to themselves and others, then everything will be ok.

    Christian Hall
    Period 5

  11. In my opinion the most important trait someone could have is responsibility. Responsibility combines honesty and hard work in one trait which is two important things.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I believe that the most important trait someone could posses is an outgoing-idiosyncratic form of kindness. Why? Because it is the opposite of rudeness and the evil disease of being cynical.

    Samuel Raines
    Period 5

  14. i say the greatest trait someone could have is kindness.... kindness is the key to a fun life. you will feel good and people will be kind back to you. In class it will just be a better day if people are kind.
    Jorge Rodriguez
    per. 8th

  15. I think that some of the best traits are generosity and gratefulness. They are some very good traits, however there are still many great traits that people can have.
    Micaela Morales Period:8

  16. I believe that the most desirable trait another person can possess is RESPECT! Respect makes life easier and more enjoyable. You must give respect to earn it. For example, looking into a mirror, you get what you see and do. If you look grouchy, people will reflect that. Also, if you do good, people will return that goodness in more ways then one.

    Fotu Toluta'u
    Period 8

  17. I think the best trait to have is individuality. Because there is no one else in the world like you so you might as well be yourself and do what you want.

    Hannah Stoddard 4th period

  18. To me the most desirable character trait a person can have is honesty. People who are always honest show other people that they are trustworthy and have integrity. They show that they are reliable. If you are honest others will look to you as an example.

    Madi Hill, 4th period

  19. I think that it is looks. You make an impression the way you look if you like it or not. Your looks make you different and let you stand out. We like to say its the inside that counts which is totally true but when you dont know someone you'll judge them on their outward apperance its a true fact.

    Audrey Nelson 8th

  20. I think the most desirable trait a person can have is responsibility. Because other people can rely on you, and appreciate you more.

    Clarissa Weser, 5th period

  21. The trait that would be the most desirable to me is dependability. If you can depend on someone to do something then your respect for that person goes up a lot.

    Mikey Freeman, 5th period

  22. In my opinion humor is the most important trait because it can help to make friends, and it makes other people feel comfortable around you. It is also a good way to communicate. For example if a teacher has a good sense of humor they can communicate well with the class because they are paying attention. So in all being humorous is one of the best traits a human can posses. :)

    Rachel Robertson
    Period 8

  23. I think the most desirable trait a person can have is personality. sure, a person can have good looks, but if they're jerks, it's not worth it.
    Erika Guerrero, Period 5

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Personally I think the most desirable trait a person can posses is an understanding heart. The most appropriate example of this is that an understanding person is much easier to get along with and is also more likely to help someone else than a person who is not understanding. An understanding person is also kind, trustworthy and dependable.
    Colleen Muhile, Period 8

  26. I think the most desirable trait a person can have is kindness. Because when someone is kind I like to be around them more and it makes me see them in a better light.
    Tyson Ngatikaura, Period 5th

  27. I think honesty is the most desirable trait. When you are honest people trust what you say when you say something.
    Mark Bills, Period 8

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  29. I think responsibility is the most important trait to have. It goes along with honesty and trust. People will trust you easily if you are responsible.
    Lindsee Moffat, Period 8

  30. I think a positive attitufe is the most important to have. Because, it allows you life up others who are down and just create a more happy/positive environment.
    Maddy Fergus, Period 4

  31. Ryan Reynolds
    Period 8

    In my opinion honesty is the most important trait a person can have because our world relies completely on communication. And without honesty, civil communication is ruined.

  32. The most desirable trait a person can have is being outgoing. An outgoing person isn't afraid to try new things, they get involved and open up more opportunities for themselves.

    -Ivonne Paredes
    Period 4

  33. Brent Avery
    Period 8

    Happiness Because it makes me happy when im around them.

  34. I think the best trait to have is sincerity. I like someone to have this trait because i can trust them in most things and feel more comfortable in saying things.

    Porter Asvitt
    Period 4

  35. Marissa Paez
    Period 8

    I think that kindliness and friendliness are the best traits to have. Because if you have those then everyone will want to be around you and want to be your friend.

  36. I think being friendly is the most desirable trait because everyone wants to be around someone who is friendly.

    Becca Hastings
    Period 8

  37. I think it is being honest is the most desirable trait. An honest person is what a lot of people look for in a good friend.

    Daisy Gonzalez
    Period 8

  38. I think that being a good listener is a desirable trait. Sometimes it's hard to find someone who listens. So by being a good listener people will know that you're reliable.

    Anessa Atuaia
    Period 4

  39. I think integrity is one of the most desirable traits, because if are always honest, others will feel more comfortable around you, and you will have a positive influence on others.

    Brita Wallace
    Period 4

  40. I believe that being friendly is the most desirable trait to have. Because having that trait will draw in my friends ad you'll just have a good time.

    Scotty Stringham
    Period 4

  41. To me the best trait to have is honesty. When you are honest it shows other people that they can depend on you. It means you are a trustworthy person and have integrity.

    Solmee Yu
    Period 4

  42. I think that honesty is the best trait because without honesty no one can trust you no one would be able to listen to you because they know you are dishonest. But if you are honest people will trust you and believe you which is good for other people to do.

    Corton greenhalgh
    Period 4

  43. In my opinion the greatest trait someone could have is kindness. Without kindness there would be no friendship in this world creating wars and contentions. It’s so important to me to have kindness because that is the foundation of friendship and balance.

    Michelle Finch
    Period 4

  44. A great trait to have is being responsible. If you're responsible people can put their trust in you and you will be more successful later in life.

    Mannon Christianson
    Period 8

  45. Honestly, in my mind there is no, ONE preferable trait over all else, it just doesn't work that way. There is no trait that is more important than the rest, i do not desire one trait over the rest, i want a good combination. However since this is going on my grade i guess i am forced to choose just one. If i must choose one, i would probably say loyalty. The reasons being for this are as follows; Without loyalty, she's going to leave for any boy she thinks looks nice. Another, without loyalty, is it really love? Is there really anything there without it? can i really trust what she says without loyalty? To me loyalty means i know she will stay with me or have the respect to decently leave. Loyalty is a foundational trait which means it roots into other traits. Now, in the words of me, let the arguments, contradictions, and hate mail come flowing in.

    Brock Messick
    Period 4

  46. I think the most desirable trait a person can have is the ability to work hard. If you are willing to work hark you can achieve or accomplish anything.

    Jackson Pitts
    Period 4

  47. I believe the most desirable trait in which a person can posses is to believe. Its a very simple trait to say that someone may have but very difficult to do at times. For me its simple to describe. The definition of the word believe to me is, if you can believe you and your actions can act purposely.

    Devin Kaufusi
    Period 4

  48. I think the most desirable trait a person can posses is to stand up for others. Its something everybody should do because everybody has feelings. And if someone needs help, you should be the one to help them.

    Brighton Anderson
    Period 4

  49. The most desirable trait is trust and to be trustworthy. With out trust hanest communication would never happen and hate and wickedness would tun rampant.

    Chris Spadafora
    8 pd

  50. The most desirable trait is trust and to be trustworthy. With out trust hanest communication would never happen and hate and wickedness would tun rampant.

    Chris Spadafora
    8 pd

  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. The most desirable trait a person can have is integrity. If you look integrity up in the dictionary the definition reads, "adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character; honesty." I don't think that there is anything more that I want in a person than a person with a sound moral character, who is honest.
    Jake Lamb
    Per 4

  53. I think that the best and most desirable trait to have is honesty. If a person is always honest then nobody has trust issues with that person.
    Konnor Sibley
    Period 8

  54. I think the mosr desirable trait a person can have is kindness. I think that without being kind you can't be as happy.
    Katie Jarvis 8th period

  55. I think that the most desirable trait is honesty. someone can be kind to you, but they could lie and hurt you.
    Sam Peterson
    Period 4

  56. The most desirable trait is honesty. Having communication with one another openly and honestly is such a good thing. That is all I have to say :)
    Sami Manwill
    4th perios
